Friday, October 28, 2011

22 by 22!

Well hello long awaited update!

There's a lot I have to say in this post so let me start with the title..

22 by 22.
After my second 5k (details below), I almost completely fell off the bandwagon. I stopped running for several weeks, spent a lot of time doing nothing and just had a few rough weeks emotionally. Midway through this week, I gained back some energy and got my priorities in line. I know that unless I set goals, my motivation will stay at an all time low and I'll be caught in a loop forever. My new weight loss goal is to lose 22 pounds by my 22nd birthday.  Fitness wise, I want to aim for the gym 4-5 days a week and eating wise I'm really trying to watch my portions. I want my life back. I don't want to be caught in a stand still for the rest of the my days and I know that the longer I wait to take care of myself, the harder it will get.

My second 5k! 
It was held at Veteran's Park in Milwaukee. This time, I didn't go into the race alone. My good friend, Drew, joined me and we started the race together. This race did not bring me as much anxiety and nervousness as my first one, as to be expected, but there was one huge difference between the two: the temperature. My first 5k was a cool September night, this one was a hot October morning. It didn't take me long, maybe a half mile or so, to notice this difference. I was hot and knew that it was only going to get worse. While I ran majority of the race alone and wasn't exactly sure of the course we were taking.... after mile 2 I saw a sea of people again. There were many times during this 5k that I wanted to stop and walk (I didn't have many of these thoughts in the first 5k) and I know it was because I didn't prepare myself for how hot that day was going to be. I saw the end of the race and began to pick up the pace. About 2.25 miles in, there was a huge teaser as we had to pass the area right near the finish line and continue running until the turn around point. I saw my family there and it didn't give me the same confidence it did in the first race. I was ready to quit and almost as if she could read my mind, Drew appeared next to me, running with me, encouraging me and talking me through the last leg of the race. I'm positive that if she had not been there with me until the end, I would have given up. This was one of those moments where I undoubtedly knew that God was there, the entire time. This was a hard race, but in the end I had a better time (46:07) and stronger spirit. Thank you to my mom, Cameron, April, Shawn and Terri for coming out that day to support me.

Wedding updates :)
It's been a while since I wrote anything about wedding planning, but the most exciting news is that I have found my dress! It is beautiful. I can't wait for everyone to see it. We've also decided on the bridesmaid dresses so this another thing to look forward to.We've got a sample of invitation down and as every week passes, it's crazy to think how little time there is until the big day. Soon the planning will come to an end, the day will be here and I'll be married at 22. I've been with Cameron for almost 6 years and as I think of all the things him and I have gone through, the stages of our relationships, good and ugly.. I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else.

Sidenote: since Cameron and I got engaged, there have been so many people that start conversations with me like this "I could never get married so young"  followed up by the infamous "but no offense to you". There is nothing that irritates me more. I don't believe that marriage has anything to do with age. There are several people years older than me that have admitted they aren't ready for marriage, but it's not because of their age, but the maturity of their relationship. If there is one thing I am most proud of the relationship Cameron and I have, it's the maturity. We aren't the typical 21 year old couple. We've known for a long time that we would be getting married, but that doesn't mean we were ready then. Every relationship is a process. There are couples that have been together just as long as we have and automatically assume because they've hit a certain amount of time together they should be getting married and in my opinion they have it completely backwards. Marriage shouldn't be added to the equation after "x" amount of years. Cameron and I never said, if we've been together for more than 5 years we just have to get married. We would have set our marriage up for failure. Since discussions have began about marriage and throughout our engagement, we grow every single day as a couple. We are not naive and living in some fantasy land that things are going to be perfect because we've been together for so long. While we know each other best, we are no where near where we will be in 6, 10 or 50 more years. Rant over.

The other half of this blog 
When this blog was originally started, it was for wedding purposes. In a way it became my journey through my c25k experience and life change. I am the only one that updates so a lot of you don't know what's going on with Cameron unless it involves me too. Well here's some news, he got a new car! A white 2010 Toyota Yaris. He's been researching cars for the last month or so and decided on this one and bought it this past week (under my 1 condition that it had to be good on gas). While the car is small, it's definitely deceiving. There's plenty of room in it and he got the hatchback he's always wanted. The best part is it gets 40 miles on average to the gallon. I'm proud of the decision that he made and know this will be a great investment for our future :)

This Thanksgiving, Cameron and I will be doing the Turkey Day run together! Yes, together. Back when I ran my first 5k, Cameron promised me he'd do this race with me. I'm glad he'll be sticking to this promise.

Thank you for the taking the time to read these posts, although I've been slacking. Thank you to everyone who is apart of our lives, helping us grow, praying for us, challenging us to be better people and making us who we are today.

We love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I'm glad things are going so well and that you are back on the running trail! I still want to run my first 5k (I'm a WALKER) but don't know if that is ever going to happen because of back issues. If it doesn't, I will happily continue walking. It is fun keeping up with others and knowing we can share with each other and most of all... Support each other! Jacqueline
